Monday, April 26, 2010

El video prohibido de Silvia Luna en Las Heras: el protagonista era el marido de la víctima

El amante de Silvia era el marido de Carola? Vea las fotos y opine.

El puritanismo de los medios impide ver el video porno filmado por Silvia Luna y nos priva de la verdad. Aquí, las fotos que revelan la causa del drama pasional.
En Las Heras, localidad de 15.000 habitantes cercana a Bs.Aires, casi todos se conocen. Silvia y Carola eran compañeras de trabajo en un restorán.
Cuando Silvia Luna, próxima a casarse, apareció en un video porno casero con alguien que no era el novio, todos se las ingeniaron para verlo. Menos claro, el novio de Silvia.
Carola se tomó entonces el trabajo de mostrarle el ya famoso video pornográfico. Porqué? No se sabe. Lo que sí, el novio de Silvia inmediatamente suspendió la boda. Y Silvia se vengó de Carola, matándola de un martillazo.
Ahora bien, quienes tenemos el video podemos ver que el marido de Carola es sospechosamente similar al hombre del video...
Abajo vemos al protagonista del video porno de la discordia. Si bien intenta esconderse de la cámara en donde puede (!!), se le ve parte del rostro. Y notamos que está usando ambas manos, por lo tanto la cámara la sostiene ella. Observe la línea del pelo y las cejas:
Y ahora, observe al marido de Carola:

Sergio Robledo

Más grande:
lastima que no se ve ms la cara

Silvia en acción:

Una pequeña porción del señor ignoto y el trasero de Silvia:

por atras

Conclusión: Carola tuvo un buen motivo para encarar a Silvia: andaba con su marido y todos lo podían ver, con lujo de detalles.

Por favor, opine en los comentarios...
Si el amante es o no es...
Si Silvia pudo querer quedarse con el marido de Carola...
Si la pena para Silvia será más severa con este dato...
Si irían a visitarla a Silvia a la cárcel...
Si hay algo más que no se sepa en este caso...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

More advanced link exchange tools

Automation is a very bad thing for the portion of human interaction exchanging links. There is a program by the name of Arelis that automate nearly 100% of the process of exchanging links and may be useful to use most of the portions except human interaction. You supports much better prospects of achieving the links if you are highly personal in their requests for liaison. I try not to automate many of the portions of human interaction in the process of exchanging links, but not automate messages.

There are a few linking occasionally use the tools, but remember that anything you send automated queries to search engines will generally be against their terms of service.

OptiLink: OptiLink ($ 224) is the Link analysis software that can clean up to 1,000 different backlinks of a site and return the results in order of PageRank. You then have the ability to go through and try to become partners for liaison with the sites. OptiLink also informs you of what words are in the various links so you can get an accurate picture of the overall reputation of the link and not just the popularity of the link. The reputation of the link is the combination of the popularity of the link and the text of the link. Optilink will let you check the backlinks across many different search engines and not just Google.

Elite SEO: The elite SEO (Link before Vigilante was named) ($ 97) is the newest software that is extremely similar to OptiLink. Inspects backlinks to find out what the anchor text is used and the page linking PageRank. In addition, the spider will Selecta SEO links in your site or page and see that the reciprocal link partners are linking back to your site. Brad Callen continuously improving this software to add more features. If you can afford to buy only the Elite SEO or OptiLink I probably would buy the Elite SEO. Both make money to support the guarantees though, so you may wish to treat them both and keep one likes best.

Prog: Prog is a screen discarding the Google search engine that also shows the sites listed nearby PageRank. It is a practical tool for conducting research Backlink if you can not afford to Vigilante Link or OptiLink. Prog makes it easy to explore where each competitor's strongest links come from and where it shows you are buying links if they are buying them on a large scale.

Council linking bonuses: One of the best ways to use these tools linkage is used on a site that you know has moved. Those in charge of the website alerts against broken links on their sites and let them know that you have a similar site. Many charge of the website is likely linked to its site. Text Box: The elite of SEOs are large and Optilink analysis tools links. I often still use Prog based on its simplicity and ease of use.

Be gentle: Sometimes it helps to be a little soft. Sometimes I suggest a few resources other than my own, too. Sometimes I put my URL just under my name as if its part of my signature. Both techniques have worked to get me lots of links falling quality in a short period.

An application of the link request "link" non actually may have a higher rate of conversion to a request from the active liaison with some responsible for the web site.

Using the tools listed above allows me to automate most of the work of the application of the link while still allowing me to remaining staff at the request of the link sent by e-mail sending off.

Here is a link to our latest positioning Project

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

How Does Overture Work?

Overture is manually edited pay per click search engine. You write ads for your
website and they get approved to appear in the search results on Overture partner
websites. Overture bid prices are completely transparent and you can see exactly
what your competitors are bidding at any given time.

In the past Overture placed exact match listings above broad match listings.
Recently they have switched and now automatically offer broad match listings.
Exact match is an option, but they no longer enjoy the same often underpriced
benefit they once had.

Overture Bid Prices vs. Click Costs:

With Overture you pick a maximum bid price and your bid will never exceed that.
Their software has a bid discounter built in, so often times your average bid cost
may be less than your bid prices. Overture makes bid prices transparent. In
competitive fields competitors will ensure your click costs are near your bid price.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Okey, so one have a killer sales course - instantly what?
What ever you have done could have been much rigid to do in the offline globe,
and 2-3 years ago not a whole abundance easier in the online earth, since there had been never a consistent, controllable source of traffic. Pay Every Click traffic, however, is generally
consistent, or it is always one hundred% controllable. Between 2-3 months (not 2-3 years) you have tested distinct dozen variables and eliminated every nevertheless the best. You've polished a sales course to a mark where that delivers killer results.
You are making a killer ROI in one´s sales action. And since you're so
effective at turning visitors into dollars, you can afford to pay additional from one´s traffic than all one´s competitors. You're getting unstoppable.
What instantly?
Immediately we go gone plus our growing war chest or acquire all the traffic we can get,
using mine Enlarging universe theory of Internet Marketing.
You have started outside with Google AdWords or meticulously, patiently refined your
marketing machine. Instantly you catch the same messages or sales action and roll outside
one´s product in this order:
1. Google AdWords
2. Search Engine Optimization
3. A different PPC's like Overture and Findwhat etc etc.
4. Email promotions
5. Affiliates
6. Banner ads
7. Press Releases
8. Open Correspondence
9. Print Advertising
Items #2 through 9 are more expensive and/or less controllable than Google.
Get that fair plus Google 1st, where one own total control Later do email. Later be found
aid for affiliates. Do not let any of those other things or human beings exist one´s guinea pig - if it works on Google AdWords first, then one could invest in those a different things or exist fairly
certain it will job.
I can't overemphasize how powerful thwas is. Normally search engine circulation
represents only a tiny percentage from a mankind who were potential customers from one.
When one roll gone to items 2 through 9, one can often create five for fifty times like much
money as you were making with AdWords. Or no longer was that basic to risk additionalthan a infrequent hundred USD on a marketing campaign!